Monday 20 April 2009

Your Village Needs You

Did you know that Yorkshire Water is proposing to build a new Sewage Treatment Works within 200 metres of Hemingbrough village?

•Do you want up to 60 heavy Lorries per week travelling through the village?

•Do you want the safety and health of your children put at risk?

•Do you want your property subjected to structural damage?

•Do you want to share your garden with noxious smells and flies?

•Do you want Hemingbrough village life ruined?

Then you need to take action TODAY!

You may have already seen that contractors have started preparing the ground for a new Sewage Treatment Works, just off Landing Lane. This new site is over 3 times the size of the existing works, and includes two 7 metre (35ft) high sewage sludge storage tanks, 2 Humus tanks plus 2 open filter beds.

Plans for the new treatment works can be found at:

It would appear that Yorkshire Water are trying to get this works built by stealth, as they don’t yet have Planning Permission from North Yorkshire County Council, but unless we act NOW and register our objections, they will get away with it.

Public consensus would indicate that The County Council and Yorkshire Water have only written to a very small number of householders in Hemingbrough, so apart from about 20 addresses + the Parish Council, this plan is not yet common knowledge.

Other villages of the size of Hemingbrough that have had similar treatment works sited alongside them have found that they are regularly unable to open their windows or sit out in the garden during the summer due to the smell and the large number of flies coming from the sewage beds.

There is no doubt that property prices in the village will be substantially affected if this new works’ is built – no matter where you live in Hemingbrough!

If Planning Permission is granted, construction will take over 12 months, and Yorkshire Water estimate that there will be up to 60 Lorries per week travelling through the village – either down Main Street or Finkle Street.

This will pose a serious safety risk for pedestrians and particularly for the children and elderly residents of the village, as the few Lorries that have already been to the site pay no heed to the speed limits and, because of their size, have had to mount the pavements just to get through.

The roads through the village were never built to withstand this level of traffic, and with the parking situation on many of the villages’ streets, there is the potential for cars and property to be damaged.

In addition, properties will likely suffer structural damage from the vibration, to say nothing of the air and noise pollution.


If you want to stop this happening to our village, you must write to North Yorkshire County Council TODAY!

Send your objections about planning application NY/2009/0096/FUL to:

Alan Goforth Esq.
Development and Countryside Service
Business and Environmental Services Directorate
North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall

This is our Village, don’t let Yorkshire Water Spoil it.


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