Tuesday 21 April 2009


I spoke with Alan Goforth in planning this morning. I asked him whether any more letters were going to be sent out to residents because of the small number originally sent and would this then mean that the date our objections have to be in by would be extended. He did not commit to sending any more letters, however he did say that because of the number of objections that the date would be extended. He also confirmed that if we wish to add anything to our original objection letters then this is fine also. So, anyone with any further comments, feel free to send them in I'm certainly going to!

I have also been in contact with the local Highways Department to as whether a Risk Assessment has been carried out in relation to the proposed works. They should be ringing me back tomorrow to confirm the situation, so will let you know the details.



  1. The Hemingbrough Parish Council Web Site shows quite clearly the “very expensive Water Vole Survey” was done “along Oldways dyke from Landing Lane to St. Mary’s Church” in time for last week’s Parish Council meeting when four of those Councilors present at the private meeting, closed to residents at the request of Yorkshire Water, and agreed by the Chairman of Hemingbrough Parish Council, considered “Item 9. Planning Application Received and Decide on advice to NYCC re: Extension to sewage treatment works off Landing Lane.”

    Three of the Councilors present at that closed meeting thought their positions had been sufficiently compromised by their presence at that closed meeting with Yorkshire Water, so they quite properly left the Parish Council meeting while the application was being discussed.

    Any reasonable individual must object to a public body, Hemingbrough Parish Council, having had a private meeting, closed to residents, at which Councilors asked for a “very expensive survey” to be done by Yorkshire Water with a pending planning application. Yorkshire Water confirmed the water vole survey extension would have financial implications for them. Councilors had already failed to gain financial support for their survey from elsewhere. The Councilor's request was agreed by Yorkshire Water, and Yorkshire Water delivered the survey to Councilors before they were asked to comment and decide on advice to NYCC about the planning application.

    It is of additional concern that those three Councilors making a proper declaration of interest should first have it omitted from the Council minutes, then, after being challenged by a member of the public and those Councilors, have a completely different form of words inserted in the official minute that states they uttered words that were never spoken by them and again the mention of their declaration of interest was omitted.

    I was present at last week's parish council meeting to note what happened. For a start, the Chairman did not tell you, or his Councilor colleagues, that I had written to him to challenge the accuracy and integrity of that Parish Council minute about Yorkshire Water, nor was my written challenge included in the list of correspondence received by the Parish Council during the month.

    Something smells, and it's not the sewage!
