Wednesday 22 April 2009

Yorkshire Water Visit!

Yesterday, Tuesday 21st April 2009, I received a letter from Yorkshire Water relating to “Upgrade Work to Hemingbrough Waste Water Treatment Works.” This is a revamp of a letter apparently sent to the rest of the village earlier in the year, but for some reason was not sent to the residents of Landing Lane, Durham Close or Orchard End.

Also yesterday, Mr Dafydd Williams, Capital Communications Manager from Yorkshire Water, along with a colleague, paid a visit to some of the houses on Landing Lane and Orchard End, including mine. He apologized for the correspondence problem. He is now aware of the strength of feeling regarding the works and that some residents felt that they had been mislead as to what works were actually to be carried out.

I asked Mr Williams if we could be clear that works would now not re-commence until planning had been passed. He said that an injunction had been served last Friday 17th April and that Yorkshire Water were attempting to fight it. When he realized about the problems they stopped resisting the injunction. However he did say that works will recommence in one to two weeks’ time – before the planning committee meeting.

Mr Williams also said to me that he wanted to allay our fears regarding odour. He said that the odour would probably be no worse than we have now, and probably better. Anybody out there with a degree in air pollution, because I cannot understand how when there will now be 3 open tanks for the smell to come from and no works being done on the existing tank that there can be no increase or even a decrease in smell? He said that as they are treating the same amount of waste the smell cannot be worse! I think I must just be being very thick on this one!

Mr Williams confirmed that Yorkshire Water would not be prepared to pay compensation for any reduction in the price of housing in the village. However, he did say that if anyone has any worries about structural damage being caused to their house due to the volume of heavy traffic then Yorkshire Water will pay for a structural survey to be carried out both before and after the works, and compensation paid where damage is proven to have arisen.

Due to the strength of public feeling regarding this planning application Yorkshire Water are planning to have an exhibition next Monday or Tuesday so that everyone has the opportunity to see what is planned and talk with the engineers.

Mr Williams did confirm that Yorkshire Water may look into screening/softening measures but that these would certainly not be mature trees/hedging due to the cost implications.

Hope this brings everybody a little bit more up to speed on developments.

Jayne Hamilton

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