Tuesday 28 April 2009

BBC Watchdog 28th April

Did anyone see Watchdog last night? There was a piece on about water companies and their dodgy practices. Most worrying was a story about a couple from Scotland who spent a lot of money putting in a horse dressage training area on their land only to have it ruined by a massive sewage leak. It cost them £52k to have it put back once the sewage went away (twice what it cost to install) and the water company have no liability to rectify damage done by their sewage, only damage done by the water supply, e.g. burst water main. The same presumably would apply if there was any kind of spillage or other damage caused by sewage at the proposed plant in Hemingbrough.

Yorkshire Water supporting Hemingbrough residents

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Yorkshire Water for their public information drop-in session held last night at the primary school. Documents and plans were available for inspection and Dafydd Williams headed up a group of Yorkshire Water and Costain representatives. Turnout was good and Hemingbrough residents had the opportunity to ask questions from the “technical people” (Dafydd Williams from Yorkshire Water's term, not mine).

An exit poll was carried out and feelings were that the “technical people” were unable to give answers to questions, were saying different things to different people and did not even agree amongst themselves. Some residents even said that it was “a waste of time”.

There was some useful information that came out of the drop-in session. Some residents discovered that this proposed site is only designed for the waste we have now, and that with further expansion of the village there will need to be expansion or addition to the proposed works in as little as 10 years time. Well, there’s an interesting development – I wonder how much closer to the village the works will be then?

Once again I would like to thank Yorkshire Water for supporting our cause and spectacularly shooting themselves in the foot, keep up the good work!

Thursday 23 April 2009

Request For Reference Sites

We have today requested from Yorkshire Water a list of reference sites where they have built the same facility as they propose in Hemingbrough, once we have the locations we will post on the site so that members of the village can visit and make their own judgement.

Change of Story

You may remember my blog telling you all that Yorkshire Water will pay for structural surveys to be done on any houses that may be affected by the volume of traffic involved in the waste treatment works construction. When I tried to find out about how we can get this done the story changed a little. Apparently Yorkshire Water will decide which houses they think need to be surveyed, using "rule of thumb" and history and experience and it would consist of only those houses very close to the road. Oh well, it was a nice idea while it lasted. I would suggest, however, anybody whose house is very close to the road should request a survey be carried out. This can be done by contacting Anna Smith at Yorkshire Water on 01977 522600.

Do Not Believe There Will Not Be A Smell

During Yorkshire Waters door stepping the other day some people where told that there would be no smell and some people where told the opposite, (come on YW get your story straight) but what ever Yorkshire Water wish to say about smell the truth of the matter is that it will smell, if you have had the pleasure of driving past the sewage treatment plant just over the new bridge on the Selby bypass you will know from experience that it stinks and this is whilst you are in your car!!!

Yorkshire Water can talk all they want about state of the art technology and we will not have an issue with smell but that is what they said about Salt End sewage works in Hull take a look for yourself here -

Comment from Caravan Site Finder web site re Naburn

The site is set in a lovely location with a short walk to the river from which a river boat service into York city centre runs at weekends and during certain shool holidays. The 1 hour boat trip was a very relaxing way to get to and from York and we would highly recommend it. Don't be alarmed as you approach the site through Naburn - you will pass a sewage works but the site is well clear of the smell!

We Are Not Alone

Proposed Peacehaven sewage works comes under renewed fire

03 April 2009

Southern Water's plans to build a sewage treatment works at Peacehaven to treat wastewater from Brighton and Hove could be delayed for years as protesters seek to block the project through the courts.
East Sussex County Council gave the scheme planning permission last year, and a High Court judge rejected an initial attempt by Peacehaven residents to hold a judicial review of that consent. But campaigners Peacehaven Residents Opposed to Urban Development (Proud), supported by local Labour MP Des Turner, are raising a "fighting fund" to pursue the case through the Appeal Courts and have pledged to take it to the European Court if necessary.
The new treatment works is needed to comply with European Union wastewater directives and the UK government faces infraction proceedings if the scheme does not go ahead.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Keeping you Informed

I have today spoken with Graham Rudman from Costain contractors. I rang him to ask whether a Risk Assessment had been completed regarding the traffic movements throughout Hemingbrough. This Risk Assessment forms part of their Traffic Management Mitigation Plan which deals with safety not only on site but also that of the surrounding community. This will be availble for inspection at the Yorkshire Water Exhibition at the School on Monday next.

Costain have agreed with North Yorkshire Highways Agency that traffic will be directed along Main Street onto Landing Lane in order to avoid traffic travelling past the school. Mr Rudman also confirmed that Costain will ensure deliveries avoid school ingress and egress times. They would also like to erect a notice board which would keep the community informed about delivery scheduling, an idea that he said he has spoken with our Parish Council about. I don't know where this would be sited, so keep your eyes open!! When I find out I will let you know. He also said that Costain would leaflet drop before any large vehicle movements to ensure the least disruption.

If you have any queries don't forget the drop-in exhibition next Monday.

Yorkshire Water Exhibition Next Monday

I have spoken to Dafydd Williams from Yorkshire Water today. He has confirmed that they will be holding an exhibition in the hall at Hemingbrough Primary School on Monday 27th between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. It is a drop-in session aimed at providing information about what the works will entail. Also there will be engineers who will be able to answer more techinical questions relating to the site. Costain, the contractors, will also be represented at the exhibition.

Jayne Hamilton

Yorkshire Water Visit!

Yesterday, Tuesday 21st April 2009, I received a letter from Yorkshire Water relating to “Upgrade Work to Hemingbrough Waste Water Treatment Works.” This is a revamp of a letter apparently sent to the rest of the village earlier in the year, but for some reason was not sent to the residents of Landing Lane, Durham Close or Orchard End.

Also yesterday, Mr Dafydd Williams, Capital Communications Manager from Yorkshire Water, along with a colleague, paid a visit to some of the houses on Landing Lane and Orchard End, including mine. He apologized for the correspondence problem. He is now aware of the strength of feeling regarding the works and that some residents felt that they had been mislead as to what works were actually to be carried out.

I asked Mr Williams if we could be clear that works would now not re-commence until planning had been passed. He said that an injunction had been served last Friday 17th April and that Yorkshire Water were attempting to fight it. When he realized about the problems they stopped resisting the injunction. However he did say that works will recommence in one to two weeks’ time – before the planning committee meeting.

Mr Williams also said to me that he wanted to allay our fears regarding odour. He said that the odour would probably be no worse than we have now, and probably better. Anybody out there with a degree in air pollution, because I cannot understand how when there will now be 3 open tanks for the smell to come from and no works being done on the existing tank that there can be no increase or even a decrease in smell? He said that as they are treating the same amount of waste the smell cannot be worse! I think I must just be being very thick on this one!

Mr Williams confirmed that Yorkshire Water would not be prepared to pay compensation for any reduction in the price of housing in the village. However, he did say that if anyone has any worries about structural damage being caused to their house due to the volume of heavy traffic then Yorkshire Water will pay for a structural survey to be carried out both before and after the works, and compensation paid where damage is proven to have arisen.

Due to the strength of public feeling regarding this planning application Yorkshire Water are planning to have an exhibition next Monday or Tuesday so that everyone has the opportunity to see what is planned and talk with the engineers.

Mr Williams did confirm that Yorkshire Water may look into screening/softening measures but that these would certainly not be mature trees/hedging due to the cost implications.

Hope this brings everybody a little bit more up to speed on developments.

Jayne Hamilton

Tuesday 21 April 2009


I spoke with Alan Goforth in planning this morning. I asked him whether any more letters were going to be sent out to residents because of the small number originally sent and would this then mean that the date our objections have to be in by would be extended. He did not commit to sending any more letters, however he did say that because of the number of objections that the date would be extended. He also confirmed that if we wish to add anything to our original objection letters then this is fine also. So, anyone with any further comments, feel free to send them in I'm certainly going to!

I have also been in contact with the local Highways Department to as whether a Risk Assessment has been carried out in relation to the proposed works. They should be ringing me back tomorrow to confirm the situation, so will let you know the details.


What a View

This is how beautifil our village looks now, i dread to think how it will look in 12 months time if this planning application is approved, fight it now.

MP's Respond

Following notification to all MP's and MEP's i have received the following mail:

Godfrey Bloom UKIP wrote

Truly frightening! I live in Wressle. Equally vulnerable to corrupt and disgraceful behaviour by the few.

I am writing to Yorkshire Water on behalf of the residents. You may know this is all about compliance with the EU 1999 Landfill directive, driven though by the Conservative Party in my Parliament. May I suggest you vote UKIP on June 4 and tell your local MP why.

Yours sincerely

Godfrey Bloom

Linda McAvan wrote:


Thank you for your recent email.

As a matter of protocol I have forwarded this to Richard Corbett MEP who is a colleague of mine. Following the European elections in 2004, the two Labour MEPs have agreed an informal geographical division as a first point of call for constituents. This means that Richard Corbett has responsibility for all local authority districts north of the M62 and Humber estuary and I have responsibility for everything south of the M62 and Humber estuary. This split within the region will assist constituents to maintain the best possible contact with their MEPs.

I am sure Richard will respond shortly. For your information his address is 2 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds, LS2 9JG and his email address is richard@richardcorbett.org.uk.

I trust this will meet with your approval.

Yours sincerely

Linda McAvan MEP

Office of Diana Wallis MEP - Vice President of the European Parliament
Liberal Democrat Yorkshire & the Humber wrote


Thank you for bringing this application to Diana's attention.

You do not mention if you have contacted your local councillors about the plans, also it is not clear which body is determining this application; Selby District council or North Yorkshire County Council. I have searched on the public registers of planning applications for both councils using the reference you provided and have not found anything.

Diana, as a Member of the European Parliament, has no input into determining local planning matters. There is no forum in which she could intervene on your behalf. Really you need to make you local councillors/candidates aware of your objections. The relevant planning authority has a duty to make the plans available to you.

I apologise if you find this response disappointing.


Angela Hunter

Office of Diana Wallis MEP - Vice President of the European Parliament

Liberal Democrat Yorkshire & the Humber

PO Box 176"


East Yorkshire HU15 1UX

Edward McMillan-Scott MEP (Yorkshire & Humber, UK, Conservative)Wrote:

Dear xxxxxx
Thank you very much for contacting Edward McMillan-Scott MEP concerning Yorkshire Water's proposals for a sewage treatment plant in your village of Hemingbrough.

It is certainly alarming that, as a resident of the village, you did not receive any correspondence informing you of the proposals and giving you the opportunity to raise objections. There is currently an injunction against Yorkshire Water's plans and a meeting has been organised to take place next Monday at Hemingbrough Primary School from 17:30-19:30. I would strongly suggest that you and your wife attend this meeting to make your opinions heard.

Furthermore, it is this office's understanding that due to the fact that many people did not receive letters informing them of the planning application you may still submit a letter of objection. I am unsure of the closing date for letters so it is best to enter yours as soon as possible. To keep updated on this issue you may want to visit the following website: http://hemingbroughactiongroup.blogspot.com/

Edward will be keeping an eye on the progression of this case. However, as a Member of the European Parliament he is unable to take much action as this is a national issue. May I therefore advise you to contact your local MP, John Grogan (Labour), who may be able to represent you further.

Many thanks once again for contacting this office.

Kind regards,

Helen Willetts

Miss Helen Willetts

Assistant to Edward McMillan-Scott MEP (Yorkshire & Humber, UK,

Vice-President of the European Parliament
Tel: +32 228 37959

Yorkshire Water Fined For Sewage Leak in Hemingbrough

It would appear that Yorkshire Water have had issues in 2007 regarding safety of discharge on their existing site in Hemingbrough area, below is an extract from the Yorkshire Post

Water company fined over sewage plant effluent

Published Date: 12 May 2007
By Brian Dooks
Yorkshire Water has been fined £6,000 and ordered to pay £1,119 costs over discharges from a sewage treatment works.
The company admitted one charge at Selby Magistrates' Court of breaching its consent to discharge from its Hemingbrough Sewage Treatment Works at Lands Lane, Hemingbrough, into the River Ouse.

Trevor Cooper, prosecuting for the Environment Agency, said its officers routinely tested the discharge to make sure the eff-luent met the conditions of consent permits. Samples were taken in 2005 and 2006 that showed the company had exceeded the limit of suspended solids on three occasions in 12 months.

Under conditions in the consent the maximum amount permitted is 150mg per litre. The company is allowed to breach this consent no more than twice in one year. But Mr Cooper said it had exceeded this limit again on August 23, 2006, when 477mg per litre was discharged.

Yorkshire Water said the primary pump had stopped because an emergency button had been pressed, possibly by a third party. The company has now installed telemetry, which should give an early alert if any future problems.

Monday 20 April 2009

Contact John Grogan MP for Selby

Just an update, i posted a letter to Mr Grogan yesterday via the following website:

www.writetothem.com i urge all to do the same.

Today i received the following response, .


Thank you for your email to which Mr Grogan shall respond very shortly.

Kind Regards


Robert Higson

Office of John Grogan MP
Member for Selby Constituency
House of Commons
London, SW1A 0AA

Your Village Needs You

Did you know that Yorkshire Water is proposing to build a new Sewage Treatment Works within 200 metres of Hemingbrough village?

•Do you want up to 60 heavy Lorries per week travelling through the village?

•Do you want the safety and health of your children put at risk?

•Do you want your property subjected to structural damage?

•Do you want to share your garden with noxious smells and flies?

•Do you want Hemingbrough village life ruined?

Then you need to take action TODAY!

You may have already seen that contractors have started preparing the ground for a new Sewage Treatment Works, just off Landing Lane. This new site is over 3 times the size of the existing works, and includes two 7 metre (35ft) high sewage sludge storage tanks, 2 Humus tanks plus 2 open filter beds.

Plans for the new treatment works can be found at:


It would appear that Yorkshire Water are trying to get this works built by stealth, as they don’t yet have Planning Permission from North Yorkshire County Council, but unless we act NOW and register our objections, they will get away with it.

Public consensus would indicate that The County Council and Yorkshire Water have only written to a very small number of householders in Hemingbrough, so apart from about 20 addresses + the Parish Council, this plan is not yet common knowledge.

Other villages of the size of Hemingbrough that have had similar treatment works sited alongside them have found that they are regularly unable to open their windows or sit out in the garden during the summer due to the smell and the large number of flies coming from the sewage beds.

There is no doubt that property prices in the village will be substantially affected if this new works’ is built – no matter where you live in Hemingbrough!

If Planning Permission is granted, construction will take over 12 months, and Yorkshire Water estimate that there will be up to 60 Lorries per week travelling through the village – either down Main Street or Finkle Street.

This will pose a serious safety risk for pedestrians and particularly for the children and elderly residents of the village, as the few Lorries that have already been to the site pay no heed to the speed limits and, because of their size, have had to mount the pavements just to get through.

The roads through the village were never built to withstand this level of traffic, and with the parking situation on many of the villages’ streets, there is the potential for cars and property to be damaged.

In addition, properties will likely suffer structural damage from the vibration, to say nothing of the air and noise pollution.


If you want to stop this happening to our village, you must write to North Yorkshire County Council TODAY!

Send your objections about planning application NY/2009/0096/FUL to:

Alan Goforth Esq.
Development and Countryside Service
Business and Environmental Services Directorate
North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall

This is our Village, don’t let Yorkshire Water Spoil it.


Petitions Now In Place

Petitions are now in place in both the Post Office and Village Store, please all encourage everybody to sign as it will show the level of public feeling against this application.

Our thanks as a group go to the owners for their valued support.

Enabling Works Has Stopped

As we are sure you will have noticed the enabling works have stopped, many thanks to Jayne for the update and much valued communication with NYCC.

Extract from her note to the group on this subject below.

"Have just spoken with Alan Goforth, the planning officer. He informed me that on Friday Ian Irwin from his department visited the site and asked that all works be stopped. If anyone sees any works going ahead please give Alan Goforth a call - 08450 349494 Ext 3085.
Alan is going to visit site today - will be taking photos and looking at impact - cannot give timings and at this stage does not want to meet with residents.
He has been contacted by the Parish Council saying that they are objecting to the application. They have confirmed to him that they are asking for a meeting with Yorkshire Water.
Alan is reading the letters he has received and these will be taken into account when the planning committee sits on 26th May, as will our Parish Council's objections. I have made an appointment to see John Grogan on 1st May (it's the first date he is available), however I have requested a telephone conversation with him and I have taken the liberty of inviting him to our meeting on 29th (not sure if he can make it cos he is in Westminster that morning). If we can get John Grogan on our side his objection will also be taken into account. "

Action Group Meeting 29th April 7.30pm

The first meeting of the action group and its supporters will be held in the Crowne Inn, Hemingbrough on Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm, the purpose of this meeting is to gather support and brief the village on the current status of the works and application, outline and coordinate strategy.

We are also working to have commitment from the council and Yorkshire Water for representation at this meeting to enable them to see and hear first hand the overwhelming objection to their planning submission.

All villagers are welcome.