Saturday 6 June 2009


Spending the day on the 'Sewage Post' at the church fun day, we have had confirmed to us what a pleasant place this is to live, worth all the hard work.

It's been a long road to get here from our first public meeting in the Crown where we decided to formalise the action group because the answers from Yorkshire Water just weren't making sense. We had already had a meeting with them at the school and some of us had been visited in person.

So where are we now?


Yorkshire water have agreed to screen the site from view. They propose to do this by building a small bund around the site on three sides and planting trees on the bund to make a more attractive feature. They are ‘happy to consult with residents about what type of trees they would like to see planted.’ Thanks Yorkshire Water if we can ensure no odour and no flies we might get there.
Yorkshire Water have committed to building in special fly nets at the works from the outset, which will help to keep flies away from the village. We need to check if this works. But it’s a start.
What about smell? Yorkshire water say ‘…we can't guarantee there will be no smell given the nature of the facility and what goes into it’.

Still some way to go but we have made progress - and some more friends.

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