Tuesday 16 June 2009

Does Your House Back Onto The River

If you are living in a property that currently looks out over the river and has views across open countryside then make the most of it as not only is the sewage works at a height more than a double decker bus going to spoil it but there are now plans to build a wind farm. And the construction traffic through Cliffe village!!!!!

There are plans to build five wind turbines on land at Cleek Hall, this is off Turnham Lane in Cliffe. At the exhibition held at the Methodist Chapel in Hemingbrough on the 15th of June (what you did not know it was happening)the consultant answering questions stated that land was been rented from the Land owner a Mr Platt.

We are advised that Selby DC and Hemingbrough and Cliffe PC have been consulted and should you require any further information you should contact one of the above.


  1. The whole area around Selby appears to have been selected for infill with wind farms. We are aware of 7 wind farms so far. Rusholme has already been approved for 12 giant turbines , there are the two smaller turbines at Loftsome bridge and 30 turbines in three wind farm proposals to the West of Selby. See www.stopwoodlanewindfarm.co.uk for further info.

    Whatever the developers say these will have a major impact on house prices across the whole area. The area will lose its rural identitiy and become wind farm city. And all for a meagre amount of power - you would need nearly 2000 turbines to replace the power produced by Eggborough and 4000 to replace Drax.

    This outrage must be stopped.

  2. The world will keep turning. My distant ancestors may well have been moaning in the 13th century about the amount of windmills going up around their village, but they lived through it. And no doubt others complained about the canals and railways. Some complained about the 'Golf Balls on the North Yorkshire Moors in the late '50s early 60s, then blow me down if they didn't form a group to stop them being dismantled 30yrs later. We all like to live in the countryside, but we must realise that with the extra homes we'll need extra services and some unfortunately will have to be in or near our precious back yards. I'm all for making the authorities do it in responsible ways, but... the world will keep turning, as outrageous as that may be for some...

  3. We all agree that the world must develop but if you have studied the myth v reality on these developments then you will realise that this is not about producing electricity for houses it is all about people making money of the back of ill guided policies, they produce very little in real terms, they produce more carbon in their production than they deliver in carbon neutral in power and as they never operate at 100% capacity (30% at best) they will never be a viable solution.

    Global warming is a myth if you listen to certain scientists and if the world is really warming why has Alaska just recorded its coldest winter in 40 years.

    As i have already stated this is about one thing and one thing only MONEY

  4. I agree, it's all about money, as Mr. Ferguson says "it will have a major impact on house prices"... maybe Drax will have to go nuclear!

  5. Nuclear Power now there is the answer, it is the most enviromentaly freindly way to produce energy and as the French have shown very cheap, the French pay next to nothing for energy and the British subsidise there bills buy buying 27.1% of our needs from there nuclear programme.

    I think this is the way forward and the sooner they build 10 more Nuclear power stations the better.

    Not sure what house prices have to do with this as your house is worthless unless you want to sell it and i would be interested in where you live but i am betting it is know where near one of these revenue generating eye sores

  6. I live at Cliffe overlooking Drax power station, and I must admit we quite like the wind turbines near Brackenholme, we find them quite soothing to watch. I agree, I'm not sure what house prices have to do with it, maybe Mr Ferguson could comment on that.

  7. As i have already said this is about greedy landowners and developers making money from policies imposed on us by idiots in Brussels, nothing to do with producing efficient power, the words are "smoke and mirrors".
