Tuesday 12 May 2009

Yorkshire Water We Want Answers

The Action Group has been inundated with enquiries regarding the many questions that the 100 plus people posed to Yorkshire Water at the open forum held in the Crown Inn.

We are asking the same question, Yorkshire Water were provided with the minutes of the meeting and the actions they had taken upon themselves, but as to date we have had no response.

This is not a suprise to many of the action group as we have all made requests for information but not one has received any formal response, is this what you would expect from an organisation that claims to be in consultation with its customers.

One member of the audience has stated that "it feels as though the Yorkshire Water representatives had been despatched from headquarters to go and pacify the peasants"

What are they hiding or are the answers not what they want us to hear, you make up your own mind.


  1. Yorkshire Water Services13 May 2009 at 11:20

    We were disappointed to read this post suggesting that Yorkshire Water have not addressed the issues raised at the recent public meeting about our proposals for Hemingbrough Waste Water Treatment Works.

    We have arranged a community forum meeting for Monday 18th May, to which we have invited members of the Action Group as well as local councillors and the Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk of the Parish Council.

    That meeting has been called to provide feedback to the issues raised at the public meeting and give information about any further mitigating measures we may be able to include in the scheme. Action Group members will be able to question us on the feedback we provide and raise further issues if needed.

    The Action Group were invited to that forum meeting and told of its purpose on Friday 1st May. On Wednesday 6th May at the request of the Action Group the meeting was rescheduled to fit to their diaries. In addition to the phone calls with Action Group members, a written confirmation of the timings and purpose of the meeting was sent via email on Monday 11th May.

    Yorkshire Water fully intends to address the issues raised during the consultation and the forum meeting on the 18th is when we will do this.

    Yorkshire Water Services

  2. Yorkshire Water we thank you for your comments but would like to add that the offer of a meeting was not agreed for the stipulated dates as the offer had to be discussed at the next Action Group commitee meeting, this took place on the 12th of May, the commitee agreed that we should meet and a collective response and communication was compiled which you should now be in receipt of.

    On the issue of answers to questions, Yorkshire Water asked all people at their drop in meeting held at the village primary school to post individual questions into a box and they would receive answers, these are the questions that people have not had responses to and is an issue that is being communicated to the Action Group.

  3. I have now attended 2 meetings with Yorkshire Water,one at the local school and one at the Crown Public House.
    They were left in no doubt about the level of concerns/objections the people living in the village have about this proposed Sewage Works.
    They apologised that their communication was poor and they would be putting this right immediately.
    I have had no letter answering the villagers concerns from my 2 meetings and therefore its a bit rich Yorkshire Water bleating on that they are disappointed at reading this post by our Action Group.......get a grip...how do you think we feel when you started to dig up the field before Planning Permission was granted!!
    Put your response in writing....then we will meet...the more you delay...the more you are antagonising the good people of this village!!
