Saturday 23 May 2009

Where There Is s***, There Is Money

Many people are asking who owns the land that the sewage plant is to be built on?

The land in question belongs to Mr Bruce Falkingham of Newhay Grange, Mr Falkingham attended the Parish Council meeting on Thursday to request that the current public footpath that runs from the church to the river be diverted around his field, now call me cynical but having established that Mr Falkingham is now in discussion with Yorkshire Water about allowing them construction access via a temporay road and at present that would be difficult as they would have to build over the public right of way then i am not sure why it needs to be moved and how much YW would pay the land owner for the inconvenience.

When Mr Falkingham was questioned on this subject at the meeting he said that he was doing what was best for the village as it would eleviate the need for heavy traffic to come down main street.

Well Mr Falkingham may we suggest that if you have the best interests of the village at heart you would stop the sale of your land to Yorkshire Water and stand behind the village in its opposition of the development!!!!!

Readers of the BLOG may also wish to know that Mr Falkingham owns R&R, now we are in no terms directing people to shop elsewhere but if people are driven by money to the extent that they do not care about the quality of village life for years to come then they may only take notice when it hits them in the pocket.

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